Streamline Connect

Connect Data Between Most Any System

There are a multitude of systems responsible for making digital healthcare possible. From Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), to Revenue Lifecycle Management (RLM) systems, and more. Getting these systems communicating and sharing data is essential to maximizing productivity and creating effective solutions. Streamline Connect makes seamless interoperability a possibility.

Interfaces between Streamline modules

When you use more than one Streamline solution, this is the tool that shares and moves data seamlessly between modules.

Interfaces with external systems

Send and receive data between a Government Disease Surveillance Database, to a Laboratory Information System, an Electronic Health Record at a hospital, and much more.

Integrate with On-Premise Solutions

Whether through a secure site to site VPN, Direct SQL Engine integration, custom scripts, or one of the myriad of other options Streamline Connect will get your systems talking and sharing data.

Robust Data Warehousing

Powerful data workflows, storage, and optimization leveraged on Cloud SQL, Google Big Query, and more of the latest tools from Google Cloud Platform.

Bidirectional HL7 messaging and more

Send messages between platforms using Health Level 7 (HL7) messages to securely transfer data. Also, use other protocols like JSON, XML, etc. to exchange data between platforms.