Streamline Patient

Streamline Patient

A HIPAA compliant cloud based Web portal that can be accessed by patients from nearly any device with a browser. Allow patients to schedule appointments, view health records, and manage their insurance and personal health information with ease.

Your patient's health records
at their fingertips

Allow patients to view their lab results, vaccine records, and other treatment history from a web browser.

Direct Notifications

Notify patients directly via text, email, or messages to their patient portal account.

Patient Lab Results

Give patients the ability to directly view their results as soon as they are ready. Remove the need for providers to deliver results themselves.

Appointment scheduling

Allow patients to scheduling appointments through the portal. Outsource data entry to the patient and eliminate the need for healthcare providers to reenter demographic data.

Insurance management

Enable patients the opportunity to update and manage their insurance information to keep it up-to-date and accurate.